Enchroma Northside - Glasses for the Color Blind 2017

Enchroma Northside - Glasses for the Color Blind

Product description

EnChroma Color-Enhancing Eyewear: These glasses feature a proprietary color-enhancing coating that helps people with color vision deficiency (CVD) by amplifying the sense of color. The glasses are appreciated best by those who are curious about the world of color, who are visual learners or keen observers, designers, artists, makers, thinkers.
How it Works: The innovative EnChroma lens technology partitions light into discrete spectral bands before it reaches the eye, enhancing and clarifying the retinal neural signals responsible for trichromatic color vision. Unlike standard tinted glasses, which bias all colors toward a single hue (e.g. pink or red), EnChroma glasses enhance the saturation of all colors simultaneously without distorting the overall balance of color.
About Color Vision Deficiency: The most common type of CVD is hereditary red-green color blindness, occurring in one out of every twelve boys and men, and in one out of 200 girls and women. EnChroma glasses can assist with 8 out of 10 cases.
In addition, CVD can develop as the eye matures: past the age of 50 color perception can diminish. Many appreciate the heightened sense of color that EnChroma glasses bring and its positive effect on eyesight and mood. Even for those with normal color vision, EnChroma lenses are disrupting the state-of-the-art in optics for recreational users due to their superior color-amplification effect.
Product Instructions: For best results, wear glasses for 3-5 days to allow visual processing mechanisms in the brain to adapt to the new information. The glasses are an optical assistive device; they are not a cure for color blindness. EnChroma does not endorse use of this product to pass occupational screening tests such as the Ishihara test.
Return Policy: If the glasses don't work for you, they can be returned to EnChroma within 60 days for a full refund.
